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Palmer set to release fourth album

Nathan Liewicki Times Herald

Published on February 18, 2014

"Prairie Airs" typifies country roots music


Country roots artist Steve Palmer's latest album will be released Friday in Moose Jaw. Submitted photo

Steve Palmer described the jackalope as having been a fierce prairie predator.

“I explain it as if it’s a serious thing to people,” Palmer told the Times-Herald on Monday. “I say, ‘this legendary and largely mythical beast once populated the prairies, boxing beyond its weight.’”

In the future, he hopes to insert images of jackalopes into his shows. His fascination with the creatures is not, however, merely for hilarity.

Palmer is a singer-songwriter based out of the Friendly City and his latest album opens with a track entitledThe Jackalope Ramble.

“Prairie Airs” is the fourth album Palmer has produced, but it’s the first one that includes instrumental pieces.

The Jackalope Ramble is one of those instrumental pieces. It also fit thematically alongside a number of other tunes he had written and sung.

Palmer’s girlfriend, who is a writer herself, suggested the theme was prairie airs. He thought it was a good fit and labeled his latest album accordingly.

“An air itself is a light, lilting tune. It's something not too serious and not too dirgelike, or too loaded with social meaning,” said Palmer. “It's a light air.”

The country roots artist is set to have a CD release party concert in the Mae Wilson Theatre at the Moose Jaw Cultural Centre at 7:30 p.m. Saturday evening. He will not, however, be the only singer or songwriter on the stage.

“Quite often I work solo, so it's quite a treat for me,” said Palmer. “I've got my friend Kelly Sapergia on the keyboards and a little accordion as well.”

Local drummer James Emery will be performing alongside Palmer, and a sister duo from Minnedosa, Man. – Sister Reign – will serve as the concert’s opening act.

Saturday’s show will, moreover, mark the start of a number of shows Palmer will be performing between British Columbia and Manitoba over the coming months. He is even planning to play some shows in Ontario and Atlantic Canada next fall.

While he is on tour, Palmer will have long stretches of driving across the varying prairie landscapes, which he noted tends to produce musical and lyrical ideas.

“I find it's a good spot driving on the highways. It's a good spot to write in,” he said. “I do some of my writing at home, but it seems like (highways) are my best spots.”

Tickets for Palmer’s release party can be purchased at 220 Main St. N. and online at

Nathan Liewicki can be reached at 306-691-1256 or follow him on Twitter @liewicks

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